Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Diversity in Early Education - 1546 Words

One hundred years ago, people did not leave their hometown, much less move their families into multicultural neighborhoods filled with diverse children from all over the planet. However, that is changing. With a more globalized world, minorities are finally represented throughout the country, and diversity is becoming more important than ever. In schools, some has been done to address this drastic reduction in prejudice and increase in opportunities. While completely integrating diversity into classrooms is a challenge due to differences in cultural behavior, and misconceived notions of diversity education, there are many studies which are benefiting multiculturalism and strategies created by these programs to create a truly†¦show more content†¦The students have a difficult time understanding cultural behaviorisms, especially when they cannot have it explained to them on a personal level. Learning language involves cognitive and academic development, and their first la nguages must be involved when learning a new one. Finding the appropriate level of challenging material for students who are trying to understand new concepts in a foreign language is also very difficult, since they must incorporate both the child’s first language, and the new one. (Ludhra 2008). Theories on Education While there are many challenges to diversity, new theories have been developed as to how children learn. These learning styles include Social and Emotional Learning, which includes all types of learning, including empathy and other emotional skills, as well as social behaviorisms that include emotional development (Katz Porath, 2001). Another theory developed to help integrate diversity into classrooms is the Banks Level of Integration. The journal by Henkin and Steinmetz in 2008 provided a way to measure the effectiveness of these programs, Banks levels of integration. He states that there are 5 levels of how to integrate diversity, beginning with contribution, and ending with social action, or involving students and allowing them to â€Å"do something useful† with the concept they learned. Using this method, theShow MoreRelatedChildren With Multicultural And Diverse Experiences849 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Early childhood providers do many difficult tasks. The hardest task is to provide the children with multicultural and diverse experiences. Since the beginning of time, the extended families, clans, and the communities raised the young children. Even today, many early childhood programs and family child care institutions tend to be similar and homogeneous to the children’s home backgrounds. 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